Saturday, December 31, 2011

Waking up...

We started this blog...well...a while ago and this is the first post. The topic: complacency. We've fallen asleep. This was the beginning of a grand tale of research, discovery, adventure...all those things each of us truly craves and we fell asleep. By asleep, I mean we fell into the rut of daily life. Work. Bills. Chores. The things that make up your life. Let's stop there. Let's get back to the topic of the things we crave.

How many times have you heard people say they want to travel? How many people's bios say they crave adventure? Why is it that we have this vision, though fuzzy, distant, and without any sort of real definition, of ourselves someplace amazing, doing something amazing? Why do songs about a past we never experienced, a place we never visited or a brotherhood we've never known stir our hearts? Why do we love movies, stories...hell, even video games that deal with a struggle between good and evil, where the main character comes from humble beginnings only to end up saving the world?

Again, we fell asleep. But it's time to wake up. We each have a glory to share with everyone willing to see it. We are not a dime a dozen. We are not insignificant. We are the image of God and it's time we start acting like it. It's time we stop thinking self pity and shame are stand-ins for humility. It's time to stop diminishing ourselves for fear of standing out or looking proud and allow ourselves to shine.

~R. Munday

1 comment:

  1. I'm with y'all. But the adventure can be so subtle. I saw a parallel universe today in a baby's eyes. No s--t. Who knows what dreams will come of it!
