Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Notebook

"History became legend, legend became myth." ~LOTR

This quote pretty much sums up what this blog is all about, for my part anyway, and has become the tag line for my ever increasing fascination with ancient history/mythology.

The journey started many years ago as an organized-obsessed little girl fascinated with family trees, cultures and countries. I would grab pen and paper and drill friends with questions about their lineage like they were on trial. For years I had saved these "trees" in notebooks, a detective in the least that is my explanation (yes, I am fully aware how compulsive and weird that is for a young girl and the reason for much mocking, but I still wish I new what happened to those lists).

Those list-making "skills" came in real handy though when, about 15 years later in an in-depth bible study, I rekindled my passion for history after studying The Flood as recorded in Genesis. In the past, I could never identify with stories like this because they didn't seem relevant and much too fanciful to be taken seriously. But there was this part in the study where we traced the descendants of Noah and his three sons, Shem; Ham; and Japheth, to actual historical figures and how they were dispersed throughout the earth...fascinated yet? I was! A list-maker's dream come true!

However, I still doubted and wanted to find the answers, at the very least, have an opportunity to give in to my addiction. So, I took it upon myself to search out the facts of these claims by taking copious notes from websites, articles, books, journals, etc. all compiled into neat little lists and separated into categorically correct notebooks (mostly just to satisfy my compulsion to organize). It was like a gigantic puzzle and the pieces were spread across seven continents, hidden in myth and forgotten culture.

Could I really have descended from the eight survivors of a world-wide flood? Which son and where did he settle? Where is he (or his progeny) now? And those hero tales of mythology? They were real people, doing great deeds that were worthy to be told for millennia with descendants walking around even today? No freakin' way! But it's all right there to be discovered. I just had to know where to look. And the more I looked, the more the branches and they all seemed to lead to one trunk, so to speak.

Now the story is more relevant than I could have ever imagined. That craving for adventure and to be a part of a story bigger than myself is real, always hidden in the mundane and veil of daily living, but still there for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear...and notebooks to fill!

~S. Day

I can't let all those notebooks get lost along with the forgotten history of our past. So, here is the place to share my obsession with notebooks and pull you into the story that is your own.

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